My sister penned her top 10 reasons to go to a Vera Bradley Outlet Sale in response to my Outlet Sale Tips articles. Of course this in jest, but it highlights the absolute craziness that can happen there. My commentary/defense is in red. :)
- Purses as far as the eye can see. - Enough said.
9. Waiting 4+ hours to get in and then another 4+ hours to check out. - Oh yes, this can happen! One reason is because of point 8. She wasn't with us when we waited 6 hours to check out at the Charlotte Outlet Sale. That was the longest wait. Good times.
8. Praying the Vera Bradley point-of-sale system crashes and you get one free item no matter what. - This happened one year on a Sunday afternoon. The sale was starting to close and the line wait was long. If you had cash, you could check out easily. Well, we didn't have cash, so we had to wait. Some people left. We stuck it out. Our efforts were rewarded with one free item of our choice as an apology from Vera. We each chose the Cupcakes Pink Garment Bag as our free item. Vera bliss!
7. Watching your sister instruct her father, husband, brother-in-law, and male coworkers on what to get and them understanding to not argue nor make smart aleck (not the word she used) comments. - Ok, I can explain this. I was under A LOT of stress! I was two weeks post-partum with kid #1 and had had a C-section. I couldn't carry much, heck, I wasn't even allowed to drive yet! My family and friends stepped in to help me and I am forever grateful! However, I, understandably, wasn't quite right in the head at the time. Did I also mention I was also trying to breast-feed?
6. Praying your mother doesn't kill you on the way with road rage. - My family lives 5 hours from Fort Wayne. It's pretty much a straight shot for them. It's not hard. Unless you're my mother.
5. Praying your sister doesn't kill you with her road rage and random u-turns. - Yes, I admit it. I have road rage combined with NO sense of direction. I lived in Fort Wayne for six years and it never got better. In my defense, there are three rivers in Fort Wayne and sometimes when you cross one the road name changes. I once may have went east in Ohio to back to Indiana. Instead of arriving home in 45 minutes, I may have taken a lovely, scenic, 2.5 hour drive up to Cedar Point. To get back to Fort Wayne.
4. Eating a whole box of donuts is perfectly acceptable. – When is it not? She's the skinny sister, apparently our levels of acceptance are different.
3. DeBrand's chocolate soda and desserts. - I've written about this slice-of-heaven-on-Earth a few times in my blog. You have to go to one of their three locations. The closest one to the Coliseum is about 10 minutes away on Coldwater Rd. Besides, you'll work it all off while shopping anyways.
2. Watching your sister get punched over a purse. - Yes, I was THAT sister. To this day, I have NO idea why I got punched! And it wasn't over a purse, it was over a Pink Elephants Large Backpack. There were literally a ton on the table, and pattern placement doesn't really matter with Pink Elephants. Side note, I got the bag. And a souvenir bruise on an arm.
1. Sleeping on the sidewalk in the middle of a thunderstorm. - That was their experience, not mine! I got to stay in the car and nurse my newborn while they waited in line. Just to let you know, it was their decision to go out, I did not coerce them. Wait... would they rather sleep outside in a thunderstorm than stay in the car with a slightly emotional, stress-out new mom? Good thing I'm done writing this, I have a call to make.
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